Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Isla Aguda, a fishing village

We have been remiss in up-dating the blog of late, sorry.  We have been lulled into complacency by our laid back location.  After 4 months of rapid fire exploring we have desired little but relaxation.

This tiny beach on the Laguna de Terminos  is  just 1/4 mile off the Gulf of Mexico.  It  has been the ideal spot to kick back for a while before we begin our assault on Mexico City, followed by a dash  to the border.
This is a very empty RV Park, the  hotel part has had only a few guests. There is a fabulous restaurant, but it is busy only on the weekends. 

A few travelers have passed through staying a night or two, but mostly we have had the beach to ourselves. Today we are sharing the park with a couple from London, England and another couple from Bellingham, Washington , USA.  During our stay thoese who pass have been mostly Canadian.  We have also seen couple of rigs from the US, a couple from Mexico  and a Family from England with two young school age daughters . The father and "head of the Camper Van" if you will is a member of Her Majesties Royal Air Force on a years leave. They have been traveling all over the North American Continent.  

Vista's such as these have put a spell on us.

I think we have been "Agualized"

Around 3pm, when school lets out for the day, the local families walk down to the beach for a swim.  We have never seen a child under 13 down here without a adult along. 

Our "bread boy"  arrives on his bicycle cart most afternoons around 5 pm..  We look forward to the arrival of bread still warm from the oven just in time for dinner. 

We are on the east coastline of Mexico and  the sun is sinking into the gulf coast of Mexico.  Perhaps that is why we feel so at home here, the sunsets and the ocean are to the west where it belongs!

1 comment:

Belgique said...

How great to see the Bread Boy (Felipe?...we forget) is there. We were at Freedom Shores in April last year and he knew that a ring of his bike bell would bring us out. Tell Thelma hello from us (Daniele and Steve). She put on feast last year for Daniele's birthday. Sorry to hear that Bill is in the States with problems.